A consternated turtle with a man’s head

The Masonic Terrapin

(Obstetrix auctorum.)

When the artist presented for our inspection, the drawing of the Masonic Terrapin, we were sorely oppressed with " a confluence of ideas on the brain." It was almost an ideal-apoplexy : not however of that sort which is produced by eating terrapins. We lost all consciousness. Phantoms of Morganised turtles — Masonic suppers — free blows — champagne and cigars — songs and stories : — wit and whiskey — wine and watchmen — dyspepsia and diarrhoeticks passed before our vision, with funereal slowness and solemnity. It was long before we returned to a sense of actual vitality. Gazing on the picture, dreaming of the vision, the first impression that took the form of thought was to audibly inquire, if all these things belonged to the ^* Family Robinson" — an indignant No from our publisher, startled us into our propriety. Then it was we discovered the great resemblance between a free mason and a free terrapin. It is in their shut-up-iveness. Ask a Mason his secret, touch him with an interrogatory, and he shuts-up, mum as a mummy. Touch a free terrapin as he is going quietly into his lodge on the sea-shore, to ask him when he will be ready for supper — and he shuts-up just like the Mason. The ancient York Mason, and the York cove oyster, and the York bay terrapin, must have some astounding secrets among themselves; when any do come out, won't the people gulp them down, secrets and shell-fish — ^which will go down the best, depends very much on how they are " cooked up." A secret on a chafing-dish, is a novelty — although the Masons do talk a great deal about their secrets on the "gridiron." It is about as easy for one to be "done brown," on either utensil.

There is a marked resemblance between the turtle and the Mason : as we have shown — ^but we think the verisimilitude is liable to be yet further extended. There are as we know, mock turtles, snapping turtles, green turtles, and land turtles : so with the Masons — but the green Masons predominate over the snappers, and the mock Masons are scarce. The only aqueous specimen we ever heard of, was the one that mysteriously found its way into Niagara : this must have been a female specimen — of rather doubtful reputation — we never knew her consort, and she had a large family. Out of respect to so delicate a relation in life, her offspring always called her aunty- Mason.

We have thrown, all the 4ight of Masonry,' or rather terrapinic Masonry, in our power ; if more is desired by the reader, we refer him to R. "W. P. G. M. Chandler, who any night in the wick, will light up, show the moulds and the dips of ancient Greece, and then sit down over a Masonic terrapin, and other fixings, with a degree of satisfaction only known to the mysteries of the Order. There is something very fat, jovial, good-natured, and convivial in a terrapin. Who has not decided a bet over terrapin for 6? — who has not been of the party, feasted on terrapins and champagne ? — who has not been invited to join the social ^circle' in a 'box,' over terrapin and punch, where the night has glided away, till the small hours of the morning have crawled on the board ?

Poor, defenceless, uncomplaining, heart-broken, secret- keeping terrapin. Food for publishers, painters, parsons, parasites, publicans, patriots, politicians, poets. Let us for a moment imagine three or four quiet, solemn, hungry parsons, after long fasting, with good digestion and a " special collection," orderly assembled, on a bleak, dreary, windy, December night, over " terrapins for half a dozen," a " little good old spirits," and cigars for their several affections of the bronchial organs : a picture of self-denial, victorious over worldly lust! Oh, if McClees & Germon, celebrated in their art, would only use their renowned skill in daguerreotyping these "shepherds," over this repast ! Poor terrapin ! Unite as a subscriber to a dinner to a " distinguished statesman ;" take a seat at the table ; listen to the speech of the chairman ; the patriotic toasts ; the great speech of the Hon. Washington Jefferson Jackson Smallpotatoes ; and cast your eye on the poor terrapin — still it keeps its own secret : mason-like. It never lets out a word or sign of complaint or anguish. It serves as the basis of all the satisfaction of these gatherings. It performs an important part, in political or pious feasts.

That the student may not be in doubt, we have drawn the likeness of one of these singular quadrupeds in full life. It " stands erect," full of fat and fun. In one eye you see the mischievous twinkle of a "Billy Vidkins," in the other, the quiet drollery of a "John Donkey" — a combination of character, which once germinated in the phiz of a * printer's devil,' but which is now subdued into that in- telligent serio-comic expression which so admirably belongs to ' our publisher.* Extraordinary terrapin! True to its character, it furnishes food for the fun-loving reader to-day ; to-morrow solemnizes itself into a condition to refresh the pious Christian who delights in religious literature ; the next day, cooked up into that flavor which gives a gout to a * Dutch almanac,' and ever and anon is hashed up into all kinds of ragouts, from a * paper book' to a ' pamphlet.' Good terrapin! Never complaining, always fat, ever jolly, universally secret, yet proffering 'proof upon proof of the characteristics we have delineated.

The unlearned reader may inquire, if our specimen is a * heifer' or a ' cow,' as by these terms terrapins are known to the epicure. What a question to be suggested after all we have already said ! A cow ? Oh, Sam, who would have thought for a moment, you could be mistaken for any * udder' kind than you are ! You are no cow ; you worship at no such tit-ulary shrine. Benevolent as our artist has truthfully drawn you, you are the parent of no such common-veal, as, with the " lowing herd, winds slowly o'er the lea." Meek, gentle, and kind as you are, no cow-ard blood is to be found under your shell. No, poor terrapin, you are no cow, whatever else you may be. Judging from the eggs, which are regarded as so delicate a morceau in the cooked terrapin, one would fain believe you were a fowl — ^yet you are "no chicken" — ^however much you may, as our publisher, look after our brood, as the result of * Hen.'s' eggs. You may be a heifer. But after taking a look at the drawing, we opine, that he who would doubt as to your proper position in this or any other Natural History might expect at your hands, what in France is called, a " bull-verse-ment," such a shaking, as in all after time could leave no doubt on the subject. But so long as those ' re-gal-ia' are about, you will keep your secret on the subject ; and we wont further put you " to press," or have you bound *in calf,' to answer. You carry on your back a coat of ' mail,' at all events ; and if the public, in testimony of your efforts on our behalf, will only ' shell-out,' so that you may gain the ' shell-ings,' and save yourself from being one of Pharoah's " lean kind," you can stand well the cream of this joke, and not be under the necessity of committing cannibal-istic suicide, in eating yourself. Poor terrapin ! well, you have been cooked up in a new dish this time. Some men say, " Save us from our friends !" but you can cry out ! " Save me from a cuisine !" [don't mistake the word for cousin] as thus being ' roasted' is worse than " a stew." Roasted terrapin is an Epicurean novelty. And you don't like it ? Well, we have full faith in your Masonic teachings, that you will keep this as a secret, and never let the world know the current of your thoughts on the subject. Fare-well, friend terrapin, and if in our remarks we have been the least personal — if we have trod on your toes — if we have hurt your feelings — if we have taken you by the " collar" — or pulled too hard at your " apron"-string — if we have put your temper to the " proof" — if we have said a a word, that, unlike yourself, could be , mistaken — we will go to Guy's, or Prosser's, or * Jenny's,' or some other place, and settle this difference, by showing the difference between a Masonic terrapin and a terrapinized Mason.

Well, reader, who ever you may be, we have endeavored to en- lighten, instruct, and amuse you, on the subject of a Masonic terrapin in particular, or, more properly speaking, a particular Masonic terrapin. Fully to understand all we wish the types to express, you must familiarize yourself with the process of practical printing. Go for example into a large and celebrated printing establishment — take King & Baird's — ask for the " head devil" of the concern, request him to inform you in what manner printing on tjrpes, or publishing, is con- nected with a Masonic terrapin. The question is worth the asking, for he will answer it promptly, by introducing to you the publisher of Stephens' Natural History; then, if you can properly realize the exact impression that ought at once to force itself on your mind, you will invite the editor, author, and publisher, and the printer that " set- up" this copy, to go round to " Rockwell's," and enjoy with you a good old-fashioned terrapin supper. Well, let's go. Just a snug party — Let's see : Editor 1, publisher 2, reader 3, author 4, printer 5 ; yes, that's right, come on ! Sam ! terrapins for
